Unf*ck your Love-Life.
Unf*ck your Love-Life.
Become your most Secure, magnetic Self,
so you can date with confidence
+ attract your person.
Book 30-Days of 1:1 Coaching for just £297.
The Attachment Audit
is for anyone who identifies with an Anxious, Fearful, or Disorganized Attachment style - and struggles with the following:
You keep giving, and giving (.. and giving!) in your relationships, whilst getting very little in return
- aka self-abandoning for people that
don't fully see or appreciate you.
You can't control your emotions, and often find yourself anxiously obsessing over new partners
- aka completely losing your sh*t whenever
you catch feelings for someone.
You chase people you know are no good for you, and reject the ones who can actually make you happy - aka staying far too long in situationships
that are messy, confusing and dead-end.
Have a question?
Email: Dulcie@yourloveandlifecoach.uk
I've been there...
Feeling crazy & indulging
in self-destructive cycles.
But the truth is, I was not crazy (and neither are you!).
Anxious Attachment negatively affects how you see & treat yourself - and of course, how you allow others to treat you. It is a deeply ingrained insecurity around intimacy, that leads you to self-abandon or self-sabotage in romantic relationships.
Once you've healed your Anxious Attachment, you'll no longer tolerate inconsistent or disrespectful behaviour. You'll feel so secure and at peace with yourself that receiving the bare minimum just won't cut it anymore. You'll be ready for MORE!
Have a question?
Email: Dulcie@yourloveandlifecoach.uk
Join my beautiful clients in reigniting your personal power:
The Attachment Audit - £297
30-days to heal Anxious Attachment
Here's what's included:
A 90-Minute 1:1 Coaching Call
A focussed, 90-minute deep-dive coaching call (via Zoom), where we dig into your worst Attachment triggers & patterns.
A 30-day Personalised Action Plan
Post-call you'll be sent a 30-day action
plan entirely personal to YOU, with a
step-by-step guide to follow.
30-days of 1:1 Coaching via WhatsApp
Post-call you'll be supported closely via text as you implement the changes. Here you can ask as many questions as you need to.
A Personalised Set of Tools & Resources
You'll be provided with proven neuroscience tools to guarantee success as you develop new secure habits & behaviours.
A Pre-call Attachment Analysis
Prior to our Zoom call, you'll be sent an in-depth personality quiz to identify where you sit on the Attachment scale.
After working together, you'll have everything you need to:
Fall in Love with yourself so deeply that you prioritise your own happiness above others'
Manage your emotional reactions with ease & grace, even when highly triggered
Ditch the Situationships and emotionally-unavailable time wasters for good
Re-evaluate 'your type' and hold yourself to a much higher dating standard
Get clear on your boundaries and how to communicate them effectively
Recognise & repel red flags from the get-go, including Love-bombing
Allowing you to step freely into your most secure, magnetic Self - so you can attract your person!
Have a question?
Email: Dulcie@yourloveandlifecoach.uk
Becoming Secure is not
rocket-science, it's Neuroscience!
Anxious Attachment lives in your subconscious mind & nervous system, keeping you in a fearful and highly reactive state. But humans are amazing, and designed in a way that we have a unique ability to replace old, destructive belief systems & behaviours with new, empowering ones - so to heal, we need to focus on:
The Conscious Mind
Training the left-brain so your relationship to Self is transformed, and your confidence is elevated to
a point that any negative narratives you previously held about yourself are firmly overridden.
The Subconscious Mind
Rewiring the right-brain so any past versions of you (ie your inner child where the attachment issues began) feel loved & accepted, and no longer allow irrational fear to hijack logical thinking.
The Body
Regulating the central nervous system
so you develop a sense of balance & calm
within your body, and no longer live
day-to-day feeling overstimulated
and riddled with anxiety.
Have a question?
Email: Dulcie@yourloveandlifecoach.uk
In case we’ve not met yet,
allow me to introduce myself..
Hi Lovelies, I’m Dulcie - a certified Counsellor & Coach – specialising in Relationships & Attachment.
For the last 4 years I have been helping clients across the globe to fix unhealthy Attachment patterns and find true love.
But it wasn’t always sunshine and good vibes. In fact, it was far from it…
7 years ago I was a mess. Headed toward a divorce, and numbing myself in an unhealthy, rebound ‘situationship’, I had pretty much hit rock bottom.
I was depressed, wracked with fear, and I felt completely unworthy. My Anxious Attachment was completely running the show, fuelling my insecurities of not being good enough.
I could barely see past the cloud of negative self-image and doubt, and these were some very dark days... but during this time, I also spotted a glimmer of hope in the distance…
I began training as a mental health professional and became obsessed with the psychology behind human attachment. I wanted to understand how our relationships could hold such power over us – but more importantly, what we could actually do to break unhealthy patterns once and for all.
When I began training in Attachment Theory, it was like a lightbulb going off! The more I learnt about it, the more the pieces of the puzzle began slotting together.
I could clearly see how my own past, and lack of self-worth, had landed me in unhealthy relationship cycles – and the vital steps I’d need to take to become Secure in myself and my relationships moving forward.
Throughout this personal and professional transformation, I learnt that;
Our past relationships will affect future ones, if we don’t bring awareness to the patterns.
Our subconscious mind will sabotage us on autopilot, if we don’t challenge fearful thinking.
Our body will reject safe people & experiences, if we don’t work to regulate the nervous system.
Which is why I now work with Neuroscience techniques, such as CBT & Polyvagal Theory, in all of my sessions – to allow for a deep, integrated Mind & Body approach to healing.
Fast forward to now; these tools have not only helped me to successfully heal my Anxious Attachment and meet the love of my life, but they’ve also been a lifeline for the hundreds of clients I’ve worked with over the years.
Because everyone deserves their happy ending... are you ready to find yours?
Have a question? Email Dulcie@yourloveandlifecoach.uk
Hi Lovelies, I’m Dulcie - a certified Counsellor & Coach – specialising in Relationships & Attachment.
For the last 4 years I have been helping clients across the globe to fix unhealthy Attachment patterns and find true love.
But it wasn’t always sunshine and good vibes. In fact, it was far from it…
7 years ago I was a mess. Headed toward a divorce, and numbing myself in an unhealthy, rebound ‘situationship’, I had pretty much hit rock bottom.
I was depressed, wracked with fear, and I felt completely unworthy. My anxious attachment was completely running the show, fuelling my insecurities of not being good enough.
I could barely see past the cloud of negative self-image and doubt, and these were some very dark days... but during this time, I also spotted a glimmer of hope in the distance…
I began training as a mental health professional and became obsessed with the psychology behind human attachment. I wanted to understand how our relationships could hold such power over us – but more importantly, what we could actually do to break unhealthy patterns once and for all.
When I began training in Attachment Theory, it was like a lightbulb going off! The more I learnt about it, the more the pieces of the puzzle began slotting together.
I could clearly see how my own past, and lack of self-worth, had landed me in unhealthy relationship cycles – and the vital steps I’d need to take to become Secure in myself and my relationships moving forward.
Throughout this personal and professional transformation, I learnt that;
Our past relationships will affect future ones, if we don’t bring awareness to the patterns.
Our subconscious mind will sabotage us on autopilot, if we don’t challenge fearful thinking.
Our body will reject safe people & experiences, if we don’t work to regulate the nervous system.
Which is why I now work with Neuroscience techniques, such as CBT & Polyvagal Theory, in all of my sessions – to allow for a deep, integrated Mind & Body approach.
Fast forward to now; these tools have not only helped me to successfully heal my anxious attachment and meet the love of my life, but they’ve also been a lifeline for the hundreds of clients I’ve worked with over the years.
Everyone deserves their happy ending, now are you ready to find yours?
Have a question?
Email: Dulcie@yourloveandlifecoach.uk
But don't just take my word for it,
here's some Client Love:
Tell me how much longer you're willing to be a bystander
in your own story?!
Healing Anxious Attachment is guaranteed to improve every area of your life.
If you’re sick of feeling lost and out-of-control of your thoughts & feelings, the Attachment Audit is for you.
If you’re done wasting precious time & energy chasing the wrong people, the Attachment Audit for you.
If you’re ready to get serious about your future and finding your person.. yup, you guessed it, the Attachment Audit is for you!
Have a question?
Email: Dulcie@yourloveandlifecoach.uk
Frequently Asked Questions
Once you've paid for the Attachment Audit you'll be sent an email with directions for booking your 90-minute Zoom session at a time most suitable for you.
You'll also a link to the Attachment Analysis Quiz - and you'll be prompted to share your results ahead of our 1:1 call.
You'll receive your 30-day Personalised Action Plan via email within 24 hours after the call. Here you'll be sent all the tools and an email address where you can ask as many questions as you'd like.
The sessions are flexible and can be easily moved 48-hours prior to your allocated booking.
I will consider extenuating circumstances if a booking needs to be moved less than 48-hours before, depending on availability.
Yes! If you do everything I instruct you to do over the 30-day period following our call, you can't fail.
The key to healing is creating new beliefs & habits - this is done through repetition over a 30-days period (the amount of time it takes to start forming new habits can be as short as 21-days).
I use these powerful practices on myself and my clients with excellent results, but don’t take my word for it. See testimonials here.
Yes, I am an experienced, CMA-qualified Counsellor and Coach - specialising in Relationships & Attachment.
If you’re not completely satisfied, we will work together to get you to a place where you are.
Disclaimer: The Attachment Audit is NOT a replacement for therapy, psychiatric, or mental health treatment. If you are struggling with feelings of depression or suicidal thoughts, please seek immediate help by either contacting Dulcie directly or an appropriate mental health professional.
By taking the advice provided within The Attachment Audit, you acknowledge that you are participating in coaching of your own consent and do not hold Dulcie McDermott personally liable for decisions made based on the products/services provided.
© Copyrights by Your Love + Life Coach. All Rights Reserved.